Community Projects



(Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children) provides medical treatment for children from developing countries in the form of life saving and/or dignity restoring surgery not accessible to them in their home country.
It aims to provide hope where there is no hope, to restore dignity to human life, to save or transform the lives of children from developing countries, to provide the best possible medical and surgical expertise

We regularly host children from Vanuatu who are undergoing surgery at Starship.

Our Ladies have been working hard in producing over 900 Sanitary Kits for the women and girls of Vanuatu.  They have also recently produced Quilts for the  Open Homes Foundation and Back Packs for Women’s Refuge.  Here are some pictures.


The Rotary Clubs of Auckland North Shore and others (incl Guernsey) teamed together to raise funds and deliver a rain harvesting project for Tafea College on Tanna Island Vanuatu.  Here are the details



Mural on New World

With the assistance on local business we recently held a competition at Long Bay College to design and add a Mural to the wall at New World Supermarket.  The competition was won by Imogen Tyson and the mural was constructed by Speedy Signs.  Other sponsors names are on the Mural.

Trees For Survival is an environmental education programme which involves young people growing and planting native trees to restore natural habitats by helping landowners revegetate erosion prone land, improve stream flow and water quality and increase biodiversity. The programme was introduced to New Zealand by Rotary Past District Governor Noel Holyoake.

Browns Bay Rotary is proud to be a partner in this initiative. Our members recently joined children and teachers of Pinehill School in the planting of 1200 trees out in Coatesville. Conditions were not ideal due to all the rain that we had experienced. Nonetheless a good time was enjoyed by all.



We have supported the 24/7 Initiative together with the Long Bay Baptist Church to provide Student support at Long Bay College.  Long Bay Baptist Church has partnered with Long Bay College to supply youth workers as part of the 24-7 Youthwork programme. The team of three have provided 30 hours per week of youth-work in the school since early 2019.

24-7 Youthwork emerged in the 1990s in the youth arm of a Christchurch church to provide support for youth at Riccarton High School. Now 24-7 Youthwork provides 175 youth workers in over 71 schools nationwide.

The team at Long Bay College support the school by offering students a listening ear, providing mentoring services, and encouraging leadership development. They focus on student wellbeing and strengthening students with the tools required to work through any concerns.  We are proud to support this programme.

We have funded and facilitated social gatherings for lunches and sausage sizzles at the school to engage with the kids and help them.  We have supported the planting of trees.  The organisation details are at:-

24/7 Youth Support Group

Literacy & numeracy are key programmes for Rotary throughout our region.
The illustrated dictionaries are very popular in many schools where books are not so readily available and in Vanuatu which is part of our district. As part of this initiative we have for several years provided dictionaries for schools in Northland. The area is desperately short of resources for the children and the help we provide is highly valued in the community.